Catholic Lawyers Guild, Diocese
of Brooklyn |
The Catholic Lawyers Guild of Brooklyn dates to the 1930's. The Guild was organized by and for Brooklyn Catholic Lawyers as a forum for discussing the legal and social issues of the day. The members originally met in Saint Joseph's College on Clinton Hill, then in Saint Francis College, and then, through the years, at several other locations. The Guild has always maintained its core membership and a dedication to the ideals of the Catholic laity.
Over the years, the membership as well as the activities of the Guild have broadened in scope. The Guild's mission presently is to advance the goals and ideals of Catholic lawyers; to respect the integrity of the law and the need for its fair, compassionate and just application; to acknowledge the primacy of moral values and of justice in the governing and administration of modern society; to bring together members of the bench and the bar to discuss the social and legal issues and to accomplish these goals in a congenial and professional environment.
The Guild currently sponsors several events each year. The Guild's
year commences in the Fall with the celebration of the Red Mass, which invokes Divine Providence for the coming Judicial Term. The Red Mass is co-sponsored with the Columbian Lawyers Association of Brooklyn and is followed by a reception which is always well-attended.
The Christmas Party is conducted during the Yuletide season.
Immediately preceding the Christmas party, we gather for our annual Nativity dedication on the lawn of the Supreme Courthouse at 360 Adams Street. The dedication includes a blessing by Guild Moderator, Rev. Msgr. Edward B. Scharfenberger and the singing of traditional Christmas carols. At the beginning of the Lenten season, the Guild holds its Annual Shrove Tuesday Luncheon.
The Catholic Lawyers Guild Diocese of Brooklyn looks forward to the coming year with a growing membership, expanded program of activities and continuing fidelity to its values, goals and principles.